Start • Clinical Solutions • Case Studies • Gaining Efficiencies with an Anti-Static Waste Tray on Histocore Rotary Microtomes RELATED PRODUCTS HistoCore BIOCUT - Manual Rotary Microtome HistoCore MULTICUT - Semi-Automated Rotary Microtome HistoCore AUTOCUT - Automated Rotary Microtome Gaining Efficiencies with an Anti-Static Waste Tray on Histocore Rotary Microtomes The cleaning process of a paraffin tray during microtomy may seem like a mundane and ordinary task. However, when you consider the time it takes to clean the tray and the number of times per day this occurs, it can add up to a significant amount of time and resources each day. Leica Biosystems’ new anti-static microtome paraffin tray was designed to resist the adhesion of paraffin sections to the tray and allow for ease of cleaning. The following research was conducted to measure the different time measurements between the following methods: cleaning a standard paraffin tray; cleaning a standard paraffin tray with wet paper towels; and cleaning the anti-static tray. Image Fig 1: Paraffin's tray Each method started by filling the paraffin tray of the HistoCore AUTOCUT Automated Rotary Microtome with 7000, 4-micron sections. The tray was then emptied by first knocking it on the side of the waste bin 3 times to remove all loose paraffin. The timer was started when the remaining paraffin that was adhered to the tray was swept away with a brush and stopped when this process was completed. Each method: standard tray, standard tray with paper towel and antistatic tray, was duplicated 15 times. The mean data and statistical data is shown at right. Results (mean): Standard tray: 16.07 seconds Standard with wet paper towels: 11.33 seconds Anti-Tray 4.8 seconds Image Fig 2: 70% Reduction in total cleaning time from the standard tray From the observed results, a 70% reduction in total cleaning time from the standard tray was calculated. The time savings can be further demonstrated by the number of times a tray is cleaned each day. If, for example, 10 standard trays are cleaned 10 times in an 8-hour shift, the resulting time would be 1607 seconds, or 26.8 minutes per 8 hours. If the anti-static tray is used, the resulting cleaning time would be 8 minutes per 8 hours. This is a significant difference in time, freeing up 18.8 minutes every 8 hours, or 56.4 minutes during a 24 hour day. This results in a savings of nearly 1 hour of tray cleaning time every day. Image Fig 3: Savings of 18.8 minutes per 8 hrs & Savings of 56.4 minutes per 24 hrs Projections and Realized Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions. Die Inhalte des Knowledge Pathway von Leica Biosystems unterliegen den Nutzungsbedingungen der Website von Leica Biosystems, die hier eingesehen werden können: Rechtlicher Hinweis. Der Inhalt, einschließlich der Webinare, Schulungspräsentationen und ähnlicher Materialien, soll allgemeine Informationen zu bestimmten Themen liefern, die für medizinische Fachkräfte von Interesse sind. Er soll explizit nicht der medizinischen, behördlichen oder rechtlichen Beratung dienen und kann diese auch nicht ersetzen. Die Ansichten und Meinungen, die in Inhalten Dritter zum Ausdruck gebracht werden, spiegeln die persönlichen Auffassungen der Sprecher/Autoren wider und decken sich nicht notwendigerweise mit denen von Leica Biosystems, seinen Mitarbeitern oder Vertretern. Jegliche in den Inhalten enthaltene Links, die auf Quellen oder Inhalte Dritter verweisen, werden lediglich aus Gründen Ihrer Annehmlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Vor dem Gebrauch sollten die Produktinformationen, Beilagen und Bedienungsanleitungen der jeweiligen Medikamente und Geräte konsultiert werden. Copyright © 2024 Leica Biosystems division of Leica Microsystems, Inc. and its Leica Biosystems affiliates. All rights reserved. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. Contact Our Clinical Expert Now If you have viewed this educational webinar or training and would like to apply for continuing education credits with your certifying organization, please download the form to assist you in adding self-reported educational credits to your transcript. ANMELDUNG FÜR WEITERBILDUNGSPUNKTE NACH EIGENANGABEN SHARE Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email