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Cryosectioning 101 for Research Q&A

John Stock
John Stock Senior Technical Support Specialist, Leica Biosystems
Rhian Evans
Rhian Evans Ph.D., Scientist

John Stock, Senior Technical Support Specialist from Leica Biosystems provides a comprehensive guide on how to achieve better cryosectioning outcomes. He covers the installation and setup of the instrument, sample tissue preparation, freezing of the tissue and how to get better tissue sections.

Questions included in the document are advice on tissue tearing, keeping sample at low temperature when working and preference for high, or low-profile blades. We’ve compiled them all into an easy to navigate format that you can access right now.




About the presenters

John Stock
John Stock , Senior Technical Support Specialist, Leica Biosystems

John stock is a Sr. Technical Support Specialist, and has been with Leica for the past 13 years supporting the full Leica Biosystems product line of instruments and consumables. Previously, John worked for the U. Virginia for 12 years as an Electron Microscopist and Histotech. He has a Bachelor degree in Marine Biology from the University of Wisconsin.

Rhian Evans
Rhian Evans , Ph.D., Scientist

Rhian is a Scientist from Swansea University in Medical and Healthcare Studies and was featured in several collaborative publications. Rhian’s research-based background focused on tissue-based pathology in Multiple Sclerosis, primarily using immunohistochemical analysis and in vitro molecular techniques. She spent a short period conducting routine PCR testing for COVID-19 at the end of 2020.

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