UltraPlex Multiplex Technology: Tagging Technology for Mouse and Human Multiplexing Helen Snyder PhD Cell IDx's UltraPlex multiplex technology enables high throughput multiplex fluorescent and multiplex chromogenic IHC biomarker tissue profiling for both preclinical and translational research. Learning Objectives The availability of both human and mouse staining panels, chromogenic and fluorescent detection, and either pre-made panels or rapid custom panel assembly on-demand, provide a fast-track for your discovery through translational research. Learn how use of UltraPlex's unique antibody tagging technology allows rapid, simple tissue staining using cocktails of antibodies employing a single antigen retrieval step, minimizing the time to generation of actionable data. Describe how the Cell IDx UltraPlex Platform technology enables translational and preclinical multiplexing Discover the UltraPlex and UltraTag Human and Mouse Multiplex solutions Determine how to develop custom multiplex panels for existing and novel biomarkers on FFPE tissue sections FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures. About the presenter Helen Snyder , PhD Dr Snyder received her PhD in immunology from the University of Cambridge, UK and trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California. Dr. Snyder has over 30 years' experience in immunology research, reagent development, preclinical development of biotherapeutics, and business development of immunoassay and immunodiagnostic products. She has held positions as Associate Professor at the University of California, San Diego, as well as Director of Immunology at Dynavax Technologies and key business development roles at both Solulink Biosciences and Cell IDx. Dr Snyder has over 40 papers and reviews in the areas of immune regulation and vaccine development. Related Content Chromogenic Multiplex Biomarker Profiling of Human FFPE Tissues Using UltraPlex Technology Multiplex Immunofluorescence Profiling of Tumor Biopsies Using UltraPlex mxIF Technology Die Inhalte des Knowledge Pathway von Leica Biosystems unterliegen den Nutzungsbedingungen der Website von Leica Biosystems, die hier eingesehen werden können: Rechtlicher Hinweis. Der Inhalt, einschließlich der Webinare, Schulungspräsentationen und ähnlicher Materialien, soll allgemeine Informationen zu bestimmten Themen liefern, die für medizinische Fachkräfte von Interesse sind. Er soll explizit nicht der medizinischen, behördlichen oder rechtlichen Beratung dienen und kann diese auch nicht ersetzen. Die Ansichten und Meinungen, die in Inhalten Dritter zum Ausdruck gebracht werden, spiegeln die persönlichen Auffassungen der Sprecher/Autoren wider und decken sich nicht notwendigerweise mit denen von Leica Biosystems, seinen Mitarbeitern oder Vertretern. Jegliche in den Inhalten enthaltene Links, die auf Quellen oder Inhalte Dritter verweisen, werden lediglich aus Gründen Ihrer Annehmlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Vor dem Gebrauch sollten die Produktinformationen, Beilagen und Bedienungsanleitungen der jeweiligen Medikamente und Geräte konsultiert werden. Copyright © 2025 Leica Biosystems division of Leica Microsystems, Inc. and its Leica Biosystems affiliates. All rights reserved. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. RELATED PRODUCTS BOND RX Fully Automated Research Stainer Aperio VERSA Brightfield, Fluorescence & FISH Digital Pathology Scanner RELATED CONTENT Chromogenic Multiplex Biomarker Profiling of Human FFPE Tissues Using UltraPlex Technology Multiplex Immunofluorescence Profiling of Tumor Biopsies Using UltraPlex mxIF Technology Contact Our Product Expert Now If you have viewed this educational webinar or training and would like to apply for continuing education credits with your certifying organization, please download the form to assist you in adding self-reported educational credits to your transcript. ANMELDUNG FÜR WEITERBILDUNGSPUNKTE NACH EIGENANGABEN Subscribe to our mailing list to learn about our upcoming symposiums and new research-focused product launches. Melden Sie sich jetzt an! SHARE Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email