Creating Digital Ready Slides - A Practical Guide

The adoption of digital pathology is a multifaceted project involving many stakeholders across the pathology department. The impact on the laboratory is not isolated to simply installing a scanner but rather affects the whole workflow to generate optimized Digital Ready Slides. Standardization of histological slide preparation requires focusing on optimizing individual workflow steps and a holistic overview of the complete process from sample acquisition right through to diagnosis. Knowing this in advance and taking appropriate steps to support effectively change management can promote engagement and pave a path to success.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Define the critical attributes of Digital Ready Slides
- Demonstrate the impact of tissue preparation steps on scan quality
- Provide practical guidance to creating Digital Ready Slides and additional considerations at each laboratory step
About the presenter

Dr. Colgan has over a decade of experience in the digital pathology sector and is focused on how this new and disruptive technology can be leveraged to provide real benefits in both the healthcare and research domains. Prior to working with Leica Biosystems, she came from a research background with a BSc in Biotechnology and a PhD in Vascular Biology from Dublin City University, Ireland.
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