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Pathologists use various stains to help make their diagnoses. One of the categories of stains is called special stains and refers to a technique where dyes or chemicals are used to identify specific cell structures or components present within the submitted sample. The pathologist can use these particular special stains to confirm or categorize the potential diagnoses.

Connective tissue plays an essential role in the human body by holding together, protecting, supporting, and joining organs to tissues. This editorial describes the categories of connective tissue, the types of connective tissue diseases, and the diagnosis of connective tissue diseases.

Precision and personalized medicine are terms used interchangeably. This approach is advancing rapidly and will change the way clinicians are practicing medicine. 

Practicing sustainability in the histology laboratory shapes paradigms in four fundamental ways: minimizing our impact on the Earth, maintaining our well-being, decreasing the cost of waste management in the laboratory, and discovering new processes affecting our daily work. 

During the pandemic in which pathologists around the world have remained at home or reduced their time in the lab to avoid unnecessary exposure, digital pathology has offered a ray of hope, allowing them to continue to perform their duties remotely.

Current technology allows tumors to be painted with multiple colors, termed multiplex staining. Multiplex staining today used in research, may also assist with cancer diagnoses clinically via: preservation of tissue, improved diagnostic accuracy, and enhanced diagnostic insight.

Cytogenomics is the study of genetics that studies chromosomes and their relation to diseases. Through a combined analysis of chromosomes and molecular tests, clinicians can better understand and treat disease states.

In this article we will discuss how we measure usability specifically with Histotechnicians using, among other techniques, an innovative approach called the System Usability Scale (SUS).


Brain damage from football, improvised explosive devices, and childhood falls has spurred a surge of funding for research on impact brain damage.

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