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André Huisman

Dr. André Huisman, PhD

Dr. André Huisman graduated from Utrecht University in the Netherlands with a medical computer science degree and a Ph.D. in machine learning using microscopy images. Upon graduation, Dr. Huisman worked on the first large-scale global digital pathology project digitizing the complete workflow (2007). In 2011, Dr. Huisman joined MedicalPHIT, a consultancy firm specializing in Healthcare IT, focusing on interoperability, and imaging. André’s primary focus is pathology informatics and is involved in many laboratory, regional and national projects.

Published Pieces by Dr. André

Tutorials (Knowledge Pathway)

Download this guide for best practices when planning to integrate digital pathology in the laboratory. The Interoperability Framework applies a 5-layer model connecting organizational strategies, processes, information, application, and IT infrastructure.

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