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Francis McKay

Francis McKay


Francis Mckay is a medical anthropologist and researcher at the Ethox Centre, working on the ethics of digital pathology and AI driven health within the Northern Pathology Imaging Cooperative (NPIC). He conducts ethnographic research across west Yorkshire and neighbouring regions on the emergent ethical concerns around the digitalisation of health. From 2019 to 2020 he was a post-doctoral scholar at the Berkeley Center for New Media and a research fellow for the Berggruen Institute's "Transformations of the Human" Project. From 2016 to 2019 he was the Earl S Johnson Instructor in Anthropology for the University of Chicago's Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

Published Pieces by Francis McKay

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

Unter Pathologen (Knowledge Pathway)

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

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