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Bethany Williams

Bethany Williams


Dr. Bethany Williams is a Specialty Doctor at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the University of Leeds, and the Lead for Training, Validation and PPI at the National Pathology Imaging Co-Operative in the United Kingdom. She has published extensively in the fields of digital pathology patient safety, evidence based digital pathology training and validation and effective digital deployment. Her body of research earned her the Pathological Society’s medal for research impact, and she is regularly invited to speak at international conferences as an authority on the digital pathology evidence base, practical deployment and patient safety. 

Published Pieces by Bethany Williams

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

There is a new community called Digital Pathology Connections (DPC) that is quickly becoming pathology’s modern-day water cooler. DPC is a virtual global community by pathologists for pathologists to provide a hub for educational content and discussion of timely topics.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

There is a new community called Digital Pathology Connections (DPC) that is quickly becoming pathology’s modern-day water cooler. DPC is a virtual global community by pathologists for pathologists to provide a hub for educational content and discussion of timely topics.

Recursos de formación (Knowledge Pathway)

Every organization’s transition to digital is unique, and there are critical steps to success. Download this guide and learn more about clinical deployment of digital pathology.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

Webinars (Knowledge Pathway)

Join Dr. Bethany Williams as she shares practical advice on how we can utilize Digital Pathology to report from home safely and confidently. 

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway) , Digital Pathology Summit (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway)
Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway) , Digital Pathology Summit (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway)
Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway) , Digital Pathology Summit (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway)