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Graham Prestwich

Graham Prestwich

Graham Prestwich retired from a career in the medicines industry in 2007 and established his own engineering company. In 2012, he joined the Board of NHS Leeds North Clinical Commissioning Group - Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement, until March 2018. In that role, he established the Patient Assurance Group and chaired Primary Care Commissioning Committee and Remuneration and Nominations Committee. He is the Lay Member of the Leeds Area Prescribing Committee and was inspired to develop “Me and My Medicines” campaign with the involvement of many local people. He is a member of the Board of Healthwatch Leeds and currently Lead for Patient and Public Involvement at the Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network. He is the Patient Director at HN Company and Trustee of Omnis CIC.

Published Pieces by Graham Prestwich

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

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