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Jan von der Thüsen

Jan von der Thüsen

Lead Thoracic Pathologist, Erasmus Medical Centre

Dr. Jan von der Thüsen is a histopathologist with subspecialist interests in thoracic and cardiovascular pathology. Thüsen received his medical training at the Universities of Cambridge (UK, Trinity College) and London (UK, Imperial College), and his specialist training at Leiden University Medical Centre (The Netherlands). His Ph.D. was also awarded by Leiden University for research into gene therapeutic approaches to atherosclerosis. He developed his subspecialist interest in thoracic pathology during appointments as consultant histopathologist and university lecturer at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust in London. Thüsen currently works as the lead thoracic pathologist at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), where his research interests include the pathology of neoplastic diseases of the lung and mediastinum, fibrotic lung disease, as well as the pathology of pulmonary and cardiac transplantation.

Published Pieces by Jan von

In this webinar, the possible clinical applications of a range of multiplexing techniques and panels will be discussed, including potential methods for analyzing the resulting complex images.

In this webinar, the possible clinical applications of a range of multiplexing techniques and panels will be discussed, including potential methods for analyzing the resulting complex images.